
Institute for Social Studies / Development & Change Publication Workshop, Hague, Netherlands, November 2022

Article manuscript presentation – ‘Crypto by Fiat (Order): State-Sanctioned Mining at the Hydro-Crypto Nexus and Navigating Financial Crises During Covid-19’

University of Cambridge – Cambridge, UK, November 2022

Physical to Digital Infrastructure Transitions in Contemporary Asia

Johns Hopkins SAIS -Southeast Asia League of Students (SEALS) Talk, Washington D.C., October 2022

Comparative Physical-to-Digital Infrastructure Transitions in Southeast Asia

APSA Asia Publication Workshop, Political Economy Group, Bangkok, Thailand, July 2022

Manuscript discussion

Association for Asian Studies Conference – Panel on Hydropower in the Mekong, Honolulu, HI, March 2022

Risky Business: Fast Finance & Faulty Infrastructure – the Case of Lao PDR

APSA 2021, (Virtual) Seattle, WA, September 2021

Disaster by Design:  Submersed Stakeholders & the Political Economy of Dam Failure

Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE), (Virtual) Amsterdam, Netherlands- July 2021

Post-Socialism the Mekong Way:  Sino-Investment in the CLMV Countries

Michigan State University – East West Center- April 2021 

Mekong Dams: Debates and the Politics of Evidence

International Studies Association – ISA, April 2021 (Virtual)

Panel on ‘Competing Powers & Southeast Asian Energy Futures’ (WC41)

Stimson Center – Mekong Dam Monitor Launch, Washington D.C., December 2020

Stimson Center – US State Department launch of the Mekong Dam Monitor

Chatham House Asia, London, November 2020 

Chatham House Asia webinar:  Too Close for Comfort?  China Southeast Asia Relations

East West Center, Washington D.C., April 2020 (Webinar)

‘On Unequal Footing:  Strategic Dissonance & Failures of Competition in US-Japanese Efforts to Promote Better Quality Infrastructure Investment in Southeast Asia’

East West Center, Washington D.C., September 2019 

‘Sub-regional Rivalry, Institutional Poaching & Parallel Governance Along the Mekong: From Liberal to Revisionist Institutionalism’

Johns Hopkins SAIS, Washington D.C., September 2019

‘Searching for Patient Lending in an Impatient World: Infrastructure, Finance and the Illusion of Capital”

APSA Asia Workshop, Universiti Sains-Malaya, Penang, Malaysia, June 2019

“Institutional Poaching & Parallel Governance Along the Mekong: From Flying Geese to Belt & Road” (article manuscript)

Development Studies Association (DSA), Open U. Milton Keynes, UK, June 2019

“Panel convenor and special issue on ‘Dams, Development, & Decision-Making:, New Directions’‘

Columbia U. SIPA/NYSEARN Public Lecture, NYC, April 2019

“‘Infrastructure as Public Good or Portfolio Asset: Financing Development and Development Finance Along the Mekong and Ayeyarwaddy’”

AAG Conference, Washington DC, April 2019

“‘Fast Finance: Who Gives a Dam? Hydro-energy Expansion & Environmental Governance in the Age of Post-DAC Competitive Capital’

Africa-Hydro 2019, Windhoek, April 2019

“Finance & Financialization Along the Mekong”

LSE International Development, Cumberland Lodge, Nov 2018

“(Mis)-Managing Water Resources Along the Mekong”

McGill University Doctoral Workshop 2015, Montreal, Canada, 2015

“Environmental Governance and Changing Land Institutions in the Age of Late Development: The Case of Lao PDR”

CLACSO-CODESRIA-APISA 5th South-South Summer Institute, Recife, Brazil, 2012

“Rethinking Development: Growth Regimes and Social Protection – the Case of Lao PDR”

ASEASUK, Panel on Laos in Historical & Contemporary Transition, Cambridge, UK, 2011

“On the Particular & the Shared: Lao PDR in Comparative Perspective”